Memetic Writing
What Is Memetic Writing?
Memes and Memetics
Memes is a distinction and word coined by Richard Dawkins in his book The Selfish Gene. A meme is comparable to a gene. A gene is the smallest structural information for the design of your physical body. A meme is the smallest structural information for the design of your intellectual body, your mind, or as we call it in Possibility Management, your Box. Dawkins defines memes as the information which persist, propagate, and influence your behaviors.
Most human beings are not aware of the memes they carry. Memes are passed down from generations to generations with usually very little inspection. When was the last time that you went to a professional to have your memes checked? When was the last time that you upgrade the operating system of your phone? Your memes are your operating system. The results of your actions are created by your behaviors. And your behaviors come from your memes.
You can see that this little conversation started by Richard Dawkins in 1976 is not, what we could call, insignificant.
If memes are the structural information, Memetics is the body of work that study, researches memes, including the skills needed to discover new memes, and provide processes for people to transform their memes.
The process of transforming ones memes can happen in a spoken process (through Memetic Speaking), or a written process (reading a memeticly written piece or writing memetically). In a memetically transformational process, both the speaker/writer and the listener/reader are transformed. This is why writing an Article, or the Book, or delivering any form of Memetic Engineering Process is scary as hell because you cannot protect yourself from change.
Using Memes In Writing
Words have power in the mind. Each word you understand - when you read it or hear it - ignites one or more meanings in your mind. Reading words woven together in sentences and paragraphs can call forth images, sounds, smells, emotions, experiences...
Memetic writing is about providing a new meaning to an experience, or creating a new experience from a new meaning.
Memetic writing is having a Metaconversation about the meaning you have attached to an experience, or the experience you have attached to a meaning. In memetic writing, you do not speak about the experience itself - whether it is true or not, whether it is good or not, whether you (as the writer) believe in the experience or not. Memetic writing is about providing new relationships of meanings to an experience, so that new possibilities are available to the reader.
For example, let's talk about guilt. A person with Christian memes might be convinced that their Guilt is one of their most precious experiences on Earth, because only through guilt can they repent themselves and pave their way to heaven. Ok, is it true? For a memetic writer, that is irrelevant. What is relevant is: what results does such a meme create? Probably someone who walks around being a victim for everything they have done wrong. A memetic writer will ask themselves: is there another possible memetic relationship to guilt which would create different results? Absolutely! For example, Guilt is a mixed Emotion of Unconscious Anger, Unconscious Sadness and Unconscious Fear used by the Box to survive and by the Gremlin to feed itself. Ok, is this true? It is still irrelevant!
Memetic writing is redesigning the pathways of stories that your reader has put together for Life to make sense at large.
In the example above, the offer is of a new meme (a new meaning) to a known experience (guilt). As a memetic writer, maybe half of your writing, will be to write about new experience that are attainable only through new memes.
The closer your memes are to Reality, the more power you experience in creating actual New Results.
STARR - Memetic Speaking
Memetic Speaking is a form of extraordinary Speaking. Memetic Speaking is transformational. Memetic Speaking opens a door for the listener to shift old memes into new ones; or to build new memes. Clarity creates Possibility. Possibility is Power. Power to choose something completely different from what has occur until now.
How Does Memetic Writing Goes?
Memetic Writing Is A Skill
Memetic Writing is a skill that is even less practiced than it is talked about. Part of your training program to learn Memetic Writing will be to heal your wounds from School about Writing in general. For a fabulous description of the wounds you may carry and a healing path, please refer to Write Your Article website.
In addition to reclaiming your ability of writing ecstatically, other levels of healing and practice are necessary for Memetic Writing.
One of which is the healing and practice of your ability to think, and not only to think but to think critically and elegantly. School has robbed you from your very natural ability to think, question, 'see' the holes in someone's reasonable line of thought. If you used your ability to think on the teacher and their dead curriculum, you would not have lasted very long in school. Therefore, you have learn to think like teachers wanted you to think, summarized in: what is the right answer?
Memetic Writers asks: what is truly the results and experience of such a meme? What other ways exist to relate to this experience? What other story might have more power than the original one?, and especially, What are the steps for my readers to go from here (where they are) to there (an empowered relationship to Reality)? Which meme is missing in their meme set? Which meme needs to be re-wired?
As Emotional Healing Processes show up in your journey of Becoming a Memetic Writer, please go through them.
Memetic Writing Is An Intimate Adventurous Journey...
... into your reader's Underworld (and therefore, into your own).
Memetic Writing is NOT explaining, justifying or understanding a concept.
Memetic Writing is NOT convincing that you have better memes.
Memetic Writing is NOT telling a story.
Memetic Writing is NOT about your personal experience.Memetic Writing is going down the elevator of the superficially acceptable assumption-ridden Middle World directly into the Underworld to maybe have a chance to come out the other side into the Upperworld.
Each Memetic Writing Piece is unique. However, the journey often travels distinct territories, and this outline might support you when you write your first pieces.
Phase 1: Accompany the reader to where he or she is, in Reality. For example, the reader might truly think their Emotions are valid or that their Identity is true ("This is who I am!"), or that Relationship is a thing. Call their prison for what it is by using Archiarchal Distinctions which gives them a new grip on their condition. Be thorough. But also be patient. Archiarchal Distinctions are new to most of your readers, take them by the hand, and show them "See, this is what your prison is really made of," and "Come look over here, these are the consequences your prison creates for you". Give true examples of what they might be experiencing in their prisons, what are the voices they hear, what kind of feedback they get, what emotional reactivity might be ongoingly triggered.
If you look at a Memetic Construct from a Responsible perspective, there are different level of responsibility your reader can take for their prison. The level of responsibility ranges from no-to-low level responsibility (varying from 'Everything's ok' to 'This is who I am, and things are really that bad.') to an average level of responsibility (in which they can start being honest about their hencetoforth repressed emotional exhaustion) to a higher level of responsibility (in which they assume responsibility for having put the prison together for a hidden purpose) to a radical level of responsibility (and how their Gremlin have used their prison to justify the messes in their lives).
Each step into a higher level of responsibility is a journey worth taking. These different levels of Awareness can be spread out throughout your writing piece. Each of your reader, depending on their Matrix, will be given an opportunity to step up to their next level of responsibility. My invitation in that regards is in each of your writing piece go as far as you can go, feed the most hungry of your reader with Clarity and Distinctions that are available nowhere else. Even if some of your readers will not get it all, they will get something.
Memetic constructs are mechanical. They, quite beautifully and creatively I must admit, hang together from the inside. It is possible that only one Assumption or Conclusion is the clé-de-voute that holds the whole thing together. It is your job to find the key (see the next section: 'Memetic Writing Is Thinking'). And in the next phases, to pull the key out, or as some others say: Pull the Rug Out.
Phase 2: Pull The Rug Out.
Phase 3: Provide Experiments And Practices.
Memetic Writing Is Thinking
Memetic Writing is ruthlessly and uncompromisingly facing into your readers' unconscious Beliefs, Conclusions, Judgements, Stories, Concepts, Fantasy World, Constructs, Prejudices, Survival Strategies, Gremlin Hidden Purpose, Hidden Competing Commitments, Denial, Lies and Numbness. Not with disgust, or criticism (that would be your own Superior Hidden Purpose at work) but with a never-failing Sword of Clarity pointed at their neck (as well as yours!)
Thinking clearly and with scrutiny requires an abandon of all of your own sense-making assumption. If you carry the same Assumption as your reader, you cannot help them look at these assumptions. They go by unnoticed and unchecked.
Some people relate to Nature as a peaceful, loving, harmonious environment. Have your ever looked up close at what happens in Nature?
This does not mean that Memetic Writing is not humourous or playful. Boxes are the most solid material in the whole Universe, no one can ever crack it, expand it, chip at it from outside. The only person who can ever change their Box is their owner. Humour can easily be used to throw the reader out of their narrow-minded logical thinking and expand themselves into the ridiculouness of the(ir) situation! Humour engages detente, your reader might have a harder time being your enemy if you make them laugh or better laugh with them.
Memetic Writing Is Building Bridges
Memetic Writing is a 5-body experience for the reader (and therefore for the writer).
Memetic Writing is building a bridge from where your reader is to a new memetic territory.
Memetic Writing Experiments
Draw A New Thoughtmap That Is Imp0rtant To you
Matrix Code MEMEWRIT.01
Write An Article About The Possibility Of Upgrading Human Thoughtware
Matrix Code MEMEWRIT.02
Give A WorkTalk To Explore Memetics
Matrix Code MEMEWRIT.03
Write Out Your Own Memetic Construct
Matrix Code MEMEWRIT.04
Write A Memetic Sentence And Notice What It Does To People
Matrix Code MEMEWRIT.05
NOTE: This website is a Bubble in the Bubble Map of the free-to-play massively-multiplayer online-and-offline matrix-building thoughtware-upgrade context-shift personal-transformation game called StartOver.xyz, powered by Possibility Management. It is a doorway to experiments that upgrade your thoughtware so you can create more possibility. Your knowledge is what you think about. Your thoughtware is what you use to think with. When you change your thoughtware, you go through a liquid state as your mind reorganizes itself. Liquid states can bring up transformational feelings and emotions. By upgrading your thoughtware you build matrix to hold more consciousness. No one can do this for you. No one can stop you from doing it. Our theory is that when we collectively build one million more Matrix Points we will change the morphogenetic field of the human race for the better. Please choose responsibly to read this website. Reading this whole website is worth 1 Matrix Point. Doing any of the experiments earns you additional Matrix Points. Please use Matrix Code MEMEWRIT.00 to log your Matrix Points at https://login.startover.xyz/. Thank you for playing full out!